duminică, 28 martie 2010

M-am decis sa imi scriu mie...

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" (Martin Luther King Jr.)

(All the simple things...)
So, I want to change the world too… but someone’s world :), by just smiling in the morning or being there in bad times or by just making funny faces, or by screaming when it’s not ok, or by dancing in “someone’s” arms… For me, love is simple!… till we complicate it: by not being there when we should be, by “turning our heads” after something/ someone else, by not holding on when we get to “some point”, by forgetting or confusing the important things…


"all that I am, all that I ever was, is here in your perfect eyes, there all I can see.."

Am citit zilele astea cateva randuri simple si frumoase, dar care mi-au starnit o oarecare tristete...

de ce?
pt ca m-am simtit descrisa "eu" :)...m-am simtit "eu"... vazuta prin ochii "altcuiva"...

vineri, 19 martie 2010

Lifelong Learning...

Technology, innovation, interaction, higher education, rapid change, better use of knowledge, online learning, jobs, our future as lifelong learners...
We are living in times of rapidly changing innovation and knowledge society; as a result, qualifications, skills and knowledge needed for jobs are changing very fast.
It is unlikely that an individual will be practicing for life a job based on the qualification and education gained at the age of 18 – 22.

marți, 2 martie 2010

"We can rule the World"

4.15 a.m. - Strada blocata de ninsoarea continua din ultimele trei zile…
Ajung cu greu, innotand prin zapada, pana la taxiul oprit doua strazi mai departe.

Atat de simplu (the hope, the freedom):
Seara lui 23 ianuarie – cald, o falsa atmosfera de vacanta = mananc la terasa!! :) (undeva in Spania)
Februarie, Italia: Ma plimb pe strazi calabreze, soarele insufletit imi incalzeste fata, transpunandu-ma in alt anotimp...