joi, 15 aprilie 2010

"And I was happy" (Ed ero contentissimo)

"Now that you are alone
Between work and bed
Tell me.. what will you do?
… Now that everything goes by chance…
… Now that I’m not a burden to you anymore…
Tell me.. what excuses will you find?
Will you invent that you don’t have time?
Will you invent that everything is spent, said and done?
Will you invent that now you love yourself more?
Will you invent that now you’re better, stronger?
… you’ll close all doors
Laughing you’ll find an excuse…
One more…

And I was happy waiting for you in front of the house…
Take my hand and then we leave…
In fact, you were so happy when…
You didn’t care about the falling rain
Only one smile was beautiful…
And the memories were shaped one after another
Even if I am late or not.. I will tell you that
I was happy
But I have never told you because I wanted more..
and asked God more…more

Some things console you
With friend time passes very easy…
But there is something that won’t come back
I am cold and I don’t cover..
And sooner or later
I will make you believe…
believe it’s warmer… when you don’t have me next to you
And maybe it’s better this way…
As now you smile a little more.. a little more

And I was happy waiting for you in front of the house…
Take my hand and then we leave…
In fact, you were so happy when…
You didn’t care about the falling rain
Only one smile was beautiful…
And the memories were shaped one after another
Even if I am late or not.. I will tell you that
I was happy
But I have never told you
And I wanted more… and asked God more…more

My memory will come to meet you when you’ll find bad times…
And when you’ll be ok I will just watch…from the distance
Because I have always asked the sky
That this life gives you joy and true love.. and in fact..

I was happy waiting for you in front of the house…
Take my hand and then we leave…
Actually, you were so happy when…
You didn’t care about the falling rain
Only one smile was beautiful…
And the memories were shaped one after another
Even if I am late or not.. I will tell you that
I was happy
But I have never told you..
I wanted more.. and asked God more…more

And I was so happy but I never told you
and inside me I was screaming, asking for more… more"

Acum cand esti singur..
Pierdut printre munca si cearceafuri..
Spune-mi... ce o sa faci?
… acum cand totul decurge in voia sortii
… acum cand nu mai sunt o povara pentru tine
Spune-mi.. ce scuze o sa gasesti?
Vei inventa ca nu ai timp?
Vei inventa ca totul e consumat?
Vei inventa ca acum te iubesti mai mult?
Vei inventa ca acum esti mai bine, ca esti mai puternic?
.. vei inchide toate usile

razand o sa gasesti o scuza..
Inca una...

Iar eu eram fericita asteptandu-te in fata casei..
Ia-ma de mana si hai sa plecam…
De fapt, erai fericit cand...
Nu-ti pasa de ploaia care cadea
Numai un zambet era cel mai frumos..
Iar amintirile se nasteau una dupa alta..
Chiar daca am intaziat sau nu.. iti spun ca
Eram fericita
Dar nu ti-am spus niciodata…
Pentru ca voiam mai mult..
Ii ceream lui Dumnezeu mai mult…

Unele lucruri te consoleaza
Cu prietenii timpul zboara..
Dar exista totusi ceva ce nu se va mai intoarce…
Mi-e frig si nu ma acopar…
Dar mai devreme sau mai tarziu o sa te fac sa crezi
Sa crezi ca e mai cald.. cand nu ma ai langa tine..
Poate e mai bine asa… pentru ca vad ca zambesti mai mult..

Amintirea mea te va intampina cand iti va fi greu..
Cand insa va fi bine, doar voi privi de la distanta…
Pentru ca mereu i-am cerut cerului
Ca viata sa iti daruiasca numai fericire si iubire sincera
Si de fapt…

Eu eram fericita asteptandu-te in fata casei..
Ia-ma de mana si hai sa plecam…
De fapt, erai fericit cand... 

nu-ti pasa de ploaia care cadea…
Numai un zambet era cel mai frumos.. 

iar amintirile curgeau una dupa alta..
Chiar daca am intaziat sau nu.. iti spun ca 

...eram fericita
Dar nu ti-am spus niciodata…
Si voiam mai mult..
Ii ceream lui Dumnezeu mai mult… 

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